Mirosław Dudek informs all Users of the website that any agreements concluded between him and the Buyers shall be concluded on the basis of regulations written in the Polish language, available
here. Reading the regulations is necessary before placing an order.
As for the content of agreements concluded with Customers who are Consumers having their habitual residence outside the Republic of Poland, in matters not covered in the regulations, the relevant provisions of law generally applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland are applied. Application of the relevant provisions of law generally applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland, however, does not deprive the Consumer of the protection granted to him by provisions which cannot be derogated from by agreement, under the law, which generally applies in the territory of the state in which the Consumer has his habitual residence.
As for the form of agreements concluded with Customers who are Consumers having their habitual residence outside the Republic of Poland, the law applicable in the territory of the State in which the Consumer has his habitual residence is applied.
As for the agreements concluded with Customers who are not Consumers based outside the Republic of Poland, in matters not covered in the regulations, the relevant provisions of law generally applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland are applied.